Our developing plans


Following an extensive consultation with the local community, we have now submitted a planning application to Tower Hamlets Council, for:

274 homes, 50% of which will be provided as affordable housing (by habitable room).

New open space, including public greens, and children’s woodland play spaces, supported by a substantial investment in new greenery and landscaping.
Approximately 125 sqm of flexible commercial and community floorspace at the ground floor of the South Wing, which could support a café and community events.
The restoration of most of the site’s Grade II listed elements, including the main hospital building and South Wing.
The retention of the veteran Mulberry Tree in its current location and ensure it is better protected, so it can be enjoyed by local people for years to come.
New pedestrian and cycling routes through the site, to improve connections to the wider area.

Below, you can see the materials we presented at our public events last summer. Alternatively, you can download a copy of the boards here.